11 Tips for Dating Someone Who Doesn’t Like Dogs
If you’re a dog lover dating someone who isn’t, things can get tricky. Pets are often a huge part of our lives, and it can be tough when the person you’re seeing doesn’t feel the same way. But a difference in opinions about dogs doesn’t have to mean the end of the relationship. These 11 tips can help you find a middle ground and keep things running smoothly between you and your dog-hating partner.
1. Breathing Exercises Pre-Date
Before you meet your date, take a moment for some deep breathing exercises. Remember, not everyone has been blessed with canine appreciation. It’s not their fault they haven’t experienced the joy of a dog’s slobbery kiss.
2. Carry a Dog Hair Lint Roller
Just in case your date is allergic, or worse, doesn’t appreciate the fine art of dog hair as a fashion accessory, carry a lint roller. It’s like offering a peace treaty before negotiations begin.
3. Avoid Dog Parks
Resist the urge to casually suggest a stroll through the local dog park. It might be your idea of heaven, but for them, it’s likely akin to entering the third circle of Dante’s Inferno.
4. Practice Dog-Related Conversation Restraint
Try not to mention your dog in the first five minutes. I know, it’s tough. Think of it as a game; every minute you don’t mention your furry friend, you earn imaginary points.
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5. Have Non-Dog Related Topics Ready
Prepare some safe, non-canine topics. Maybe discuss the weather, or if you’re feeling adventurous, delve into the fascinating world of non-dog related hobbies. Yes, they exist.
6. Smile and Nod
If they start explaining their reasons for not liking dogs, just smile and nod. Think of it as a zen moment – a test of patience and understanding in the face of adversity.
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7. Subtle Dog References
Slip in subtle dog references to test the waters. Mention how much you enjoy “taking long walks,” or how you believe in “loyalty and unconditional love.” It’s like a secret code.
8. Emergency Dog Photo on Phone
In case of an emergency (like a lull in conversation), have a cute dog photo ready on your phone. It’s a make-or-break moment; if they don’t crack a smile, well, you know what to do.
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9. Use Dog Analogies Sparingly
Use dog analogies, but sparingly. Saying “this is as exciting as a squirrel chase” might be pushing it. Gauge their reaction to mild dog references before unleashing the full kennel.
10. Plan an Escape Route
If things go south, have an escape route planned. Maybe a friend ready to call with a fake emergency, like your dog ate your homework. Wait, that’s actually plausible.
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11. Reflect on the Experience
Post-date, reflect on the experience. Remember, not liking dogs doesn’t make someone a bad person, just a curious anomaly in the vast, dog-loving universe.
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